Touch less Solar Panel cleaning, Customer request. Learn how we did it. @RevolutionarySoftWash
We used a 3-5 Mix and a light surfactant. We rinsed with out reverse osmosis system!
#solarpanelcleaning #solarpanel
Touch less Solar Panel cleaning, Customer request. Learn how we did it. @RevolutionarySoftWash
We used a 3-5 Mix and a light surfactant. We rinsed with out reverse osmosis system!
#solarpanelcleaning #solarpanel
The guys love this Nozzle make rinsing much easier. X-JET ds twist adjustable nozzle for 3-7 gpm downstream injectors #softwashing #softwashequipment
Easy gutter alignment #gutteralignment #guttersaligned #gutters
Part 2 Touch less Solar Panel cleaning, Customer request. Learn how we did it.
We used a 3-5 Mix and a light surfactant. We rinsed with out reverse osmosis system!
#solarpanelcleaning #solarpanel
Part 1 Touch less Solar Panel cleaning, Customer request. Learn how we did it.
We used a 3-5 Mix and a light surfactant. We rinsed with out reverse osmosis system!
#solarpanelcleaning #solarpanel
Cutting a downspout for installation #downspout
Soft Washing a roof and cedar siding. Here we show the application of a softwash wood cleaning mix. #softwashing #softwash #softwash #pressurewashingservices
Thorough rinsing is necessary for any wood cleaning. Leaving SH on wood can cause damage.
A wood brighter can also be applied afterward if needed.
2-3% mix with Continue reading “Soft Washing a roof and cedar siding. Wood cleaning mix.”
Gutter Helmet is not a Recommended Gutter Guard #gutterhelmet
Gutter clogged and overflowing so bad the customer was not able to get out the door. We quickly showed up and resolved the issue. #guttercleaning #gutterguards